The story of CUIC (Churches Uniting in Christ) begins on December 4th, 1960 when Rev. Eugene Carson Blake, then the Stated Clerk of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., preached a sermon at Grace Cathedral at the invitation of Bishop James A. Pike of the Episcopal Church. This sermon proposed creating a united Protestant Church which would have been named the Church of Christ Uniting. Thus, COCU (the Consultation on Church Union) was created, and its efforts continued for 40 years. Although the vision of Rev. Blake and Bishop Pike did not become reality, the central motivation for creating unity among Christians has remained alive and well in CUIC. Leaders of nine member communions met on January 20th, 2002 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN to inaugurate CUIC as a successor to COCU. CUIC intends to "live into unity" rather than simply "consulting" about unity, and is committed to the elimination of racism as a barrier to unity within and among member communions
On this website, you may find many documents and articles about the history of CUIC and its recent activities. Please take some time to learn more about this important effort to increase the unity of Christ's church, and visit to Contact page to get involved or learn more!
The Rev. Dr. Hermann Weinlick |
We offer these mission priorities as well as our connection with CUIC as an expression of our commitment to unity in Christ. Additionally the Episcopal Church is committed to to racial justice through the passage of General Convention resolutions which we are called to work toward building “culture, expectation and practice of anti-racism” in the “life of The Episcopal Church” through ongoing training at the provincial and diocesan levels. For the text of these resolutions, please see: |
Gradye Parsons
Stated Clerk
Office of the General Assembly
In the midst of this current world context, surely the inauguration of Churches Uniting in Christ must be seen as Good News. It is a clear signal that the Holy Spirit is still seeking to reunite the broken church of Jesus Christ . . .and that God is still seeking to bring peace and true community to all God's children. CUIC demonstrates that people can transcend differences for the sake of a higher unity, in spite of differences of doctrine, institutional life, and even (especially even) race. Thanks be to God. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has always said, "Christian unity is our polar star." More recently, we have also committed ourselves to becoming an "anti-racist/pro-reconciling church." Our participation in Churches Uniting in Christ will be both a means to express these commitments and a laboratory in which to practice them. |
Statements from heads of communion or key church leaders about CUIC will be published on this page as they are received.